Class of 1981: The Burning

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Our “Horror in the Woods” Summer Series kicks off as we visit Camp Blackfoot and forget to warn Cropsy not to sleep next to a gas can, and instead get distracted by who the hell is a camper and who is a counselor.


:08 Intro and Feedback

  • Googling which states make up the Appalachian region
  • Ranking the Jurassic Park series
  • Following up on our In a Violent Nature instant reaction episode

16:45 The Time Machine May 8th, 1981

  • The ego of Clapton
  • Favorite Hall and Oates song
  • Wild Wild West or Men in Black (The songs)? Who ya got?

24:09 The Burning Discussion

  • The crazy amount of talent in front and behind the camera
  • Celebrating the lesser known stars of the film, including one role which blows Willie’s mind
  • Tim tries to ruin The Burning for Willie by talking about the Weinstein’s way too much
  • Seriously, who the hell is a camper and who is a counselor here?
  • Our favorite Tom Savini moments