What’s Happening with Friday the 13th, and John Carpenter’s Upcoming Godzilla Marathon

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We are back together, refreshed, and talking about two of our favorite things: Friday the 13th and John Carpenter!

:13 Intro

We give an update on our health and our personal lives before quickly moving on to more important topics like old videos of John Carpenter at some convention Q&A.

3:50 Carpenter’s Corner

We were alerted of an old clip of John Carpenter telling a fan to “F*** off” at some sort of Q&A event. We use this clip as excuse to defend Escape from LA, and talk about the relationship between fans and creators, and if it is ever okay to tell someone their work sucks.

Also, John is a massive Godzilla fan, and he is hosting a marathon of monster flicks for Shout Factory next month. We take a look at his choices for the movie marathon, grade them, and wish for the release of his early Godzilla fan films.

21:29 What is Happening with the Friday the 13th Franchise

There has been a lot of smoke surrounding a new Friday the 13th franchise recently, and we try to sift through it to see if there is finally some real movement happening with a new movie. We also discuss some of the recent attempts to get a new movie off the ground, what we want to see in a new movie, and which–if any– characters we want to see return. Finally, we go through a list of potential directors and decide if they are a good fit for the franchise.